7 Tips to Get Out of your February Funk
It's February, it's the Tuesday of the year, it's cold, it's wet, it's windy and the resolutions we made back at the start of January seem like an eternity ago. Our intentions were so good, this was going to be the year we finally lost weight / got that bike out of the garage / stopped drinking so much / started eating more healthily (delete as appropriate!).
If those resolutions are starting to flag, here's a top hit list of 7 tips we can use to inspire us get moving, burn more energy, help sort out those niggling pains and wake up every morning feel better than we did the last.
1. Get the right kit
There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad kit! If you've got the right clothes and footwear, you'll go out in any weather. Dig them out and keep them nearby.
2. Phone a friend
Having a training partner can be a powerful motivator. When you know there's someone meeting you or coming to knock on your door, it'll stop those easy excuses.
3. Join a group
Often part of the issue is not knowing what to do in the first place. Being part of a local run or walking group will sort that out for you. And you’ll have much more fun with the community.
4. Find a class
Whether it's a higher-level weights class or something more gentle like Pilates or Yoga, get that weekly session booked into your diary. Consistency is the key and before you know it, you'll have done 8 weeks and be noticing the physical and mental changes.
5. Do Park Run
If you're a keen or wannabe runner, this is a free weekly 5km run held every Saturday morning at 9am. It’s really supportive for all abilities with ‘cheer leaders’ along the way! Check out www.parkrun.org.uk.
6. Drink more water
Maybe not one of the tips you were expecting here but aim for at least 2 litres of water a day! Start as soon as you get up. Want it to taste better? Squeeze half a lemon into it.
7. Hire a trainer
One sure way to make a difference is to get a professional on the case. They'll find out your true reasons for wanting to make a change and help you to get there. They’ll also help you to fix any injuries or mobility issues you might have.
If you've got any questions on any of these tips or would like advice on health and fitness, feel free to get in touch.