The Healing Power of Nature

Paul Kenny running in Richmond Park London

Nature is the antidote to today’s busy, connected world. An early start out into your local park or woodland to watch the sun rise can completely transform your day ahead. Add some gentle mobility stretches, a mini workout or some yoga flows to that and you are winning.

Yes, it’s tough when the alarm goes off in the morning, but have you ever looked back on your early start with regret? Have you ever said to yourself ‘I wish I’d stayed in bed longer, I really didn’t enjoy that early workout / meditation / cup of coffee, etc;’. Nope, thought not.

My recent move to the Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, has made me realise just how connected we are as humans to nature. My son is endlessly fascinated by trees, animals, bugs, water - or anything we come across on our walks in the forest. He returns to the house energised and happy, with a glow and a smile on his face. And best of all, he sleeps like a log! As adults we are no different - the quality of our sleep is so much better after time in the fresh air.

So if you set yourself one task for tomorrow, make it setting that alarm 30 minutes early, and getting outdoors for a breath of fresh air. You won’t regret it.


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